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From the genius 澳洲幸运10正规手机版APP下载最新开奖记录结果、线上看开奖号直播の现场 of a single idea to the wisdom of the crowd

Leverage the power of 正规168娱乐澳洲幸运10彩开奖官方结果 our AI and

drive ideas to cash faster 



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Put Innovation to Work for your Business

We democratize innovation for all with AI-powered solutions that accelerate collaboration, decision-making, and implementation.


By breaking down barriers to adoption, everyone from solo innovators to global enterprises, can turn ideas into impactful, production-ready solutions.

Better Collaboration

The Only

Pay-as-You Go Platform



InnovationWorks Dasbhoards.webp

Drive ideas to cash faster

Our customers make decisions 85% faster, saving $500,000 per idea, on average.

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Automated workflows & dashboard reporting

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SOC 2 compliant

private workspaces 

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Ecosystem matchmaking with 1-click piloting

Measure Culture  Icon.png

Measure culture & build innovation mindsets




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Join us and #InnovateForGood! Whether you have a challenge to solve or an idea to sell, leverage the power of our ecosystem where you can be matched to innovators looking for similar needs.


We have companies in Electric, Water, Gas, Nuclear, Construction, Engineering Services, Government, R&D, and Transportation looking for the latest AI driven technologies to solve their key infrastructure problems. 

Ecosystem of Solution Ideas

AI, Electric, Gas, Water, Nuclear, Transportation

One click to pilot

Industry Spotlight

Mitigating 澳洲幸运10开奖结果查询 Climate 线上直播 Change


With more than 10 million acres of wildfires burning annually in the US and the mandate to decarbonize faster, there is no industry in more urgent need of rapid innovation than the energy industry.

That's why InnovationForce started in the energy industry by bringing together utilities and their suppliers in an ecosystem to move ideas into production up to 65% faster. 

Are you an innovator in the energy industry? Share your bold ideas with a Solver Workspace subscription. We'll help get them adopted faster!

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Join these Amazing Companies in our Ecosystem



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"Harvard Business School professor Linda Hill spent decades looking at 150 organizations - including Pixar, Pfizer and Disney - to understand and distill the elements and behaviors that lead to successful innovation. Now Hill has joined InnovationForce to apply research and make innovation faster, easier and more democratic."

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Can Your Idea Management Platform Remove Cultural Barriers? We Can.

Culture is the number one barrier when it comes to innovating. Now you can remove those obstacles by measuring them only with InnovationForce.

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Shared Purpose

What is the connection between purpose and innovation? 

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Shared Values

Foundational beliefs and principals impact innovation.

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Rules of Engagement Thinking

Innovation is built on psychological safety and trust. 

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Rules of Engagement Interaction

Innovation is about collaborating and building engagement. 

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Are you creating an open marketplace of ideas that can be vigorously debated?

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Are you creating a culture of "learn fast" through rapid testing and shared learnings?


Do your teams combine different or opposing ideas into novel solutions?

Innovation By the Numbers

Results speak for themselves. Here is how your innovation program can take-off with InnovationForce. 

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Pilot 65% faster

Leverage the wisdom of the crowd and adopt innovative solutions with test plans that make piloting easier.

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100X ROI

Show the execs your impact with real-time customizable dashboards they will love. 

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85% Faster Decisions

By harnessing the wisdom of our ecosystem, your SMEs, you can quickly rank proven ideas and more confidently drive decisions faster.

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Save $500k Per Idea

Our automated workflow fosters seamless, real-time collaboration across silos, departments, and partners—reducing meetings to save time and cut costs

What Our Customers Say

“The InnovationWorks platform enables real-time collaboration across our membership and reinforces our commitment to collectively shape the future of energy."

Alex Johnston,

“With InnovationForce, we scaled up the number of ideas and reduced early-stage decision time to pilot concepts faster. This has allowed us to accelerate innovation to hit 2030 decarbonization targets."

Larry Bekkedahl, PGE

We were able to engage over 50 subject matter experts at multiple organizations who worked together collaboratively to rank and score hundreds of use cases in a matter of weeks. Because the platform uses concepts you might find in popular social networking tools, it was very visual, intuitive, and fun to use.”

Chris Gilbert,
Central Hudson

Keep Up With the Latest InnovationForce News

Are you ready for take-off? (澳洲幸运10) Australia Lucky Ten 开奖官网免费记录表 手机查看澳洲10开奖结果直播 Accelerate your innovation program today!

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